Crypto investing for all
What if you allocated 5% of your portfolio to Crypto?
Years of experience
Models to trade
Deal flows each year
Figures as of 31/03/2024

Annualized Net Returns
The annualized net returns are net of all fees and costs, calculated from the closing date of the primary offering to the end of the fiscal year is consummated. The Annualized Net Returns displayed here are selective and suggestive values for information purpose only, and may not be indicative of Ocean Shore Capital's positions not yet liquidated. Please strongly note that past performance is not indicative of future results.
Strong Historical Appreciation
Why Crypto? See how Bitcoin compares to S&P 500 and others from 2015 - 2024

Bitcoin is comprised of the cryptocurrency market's most successful digital assets, without any other preferential consideration, based on their market capitalization and performance over the previous five years (in this case, 1 January 2015 to 31 March 2024). We also apply a liquidity criterion: for each digital asset, it must have maintained a minimum market capitalization threshold over the years to be included in the calculations. There are significant differences between cryptocurrency investments and traditional stocks; past performance does not guarantee future results. Ocean Shore Capital does not provide investments in financial products that mirror Bitcoin.
How It Works
Ocean Shore Capital stands as a premier cryptocurrency quantitative fund, specializing in the trading of cryptocurrencies and equities representing investments. Our fund empowers you to construct a diversified portfolio which includes expertly-vetted cryptocurrencies and top-tier venture capital backed blockchain startup shares, meticulously curated by our industry-leading research team.

We Find Trading Opportunities
We determine which investments have the most momentum

We Execute the Deals
We review thousands of examples and buy less than 5% of most promising

We Share Profits with Investors
We distribute profits to investors to maximize growth and potentials